Fisher 3rd Grade: March 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

3rd Grade Lunch Slips For Taylor Schoolhouse & Marshalltown Walking Tour

3rd Grade Field Trips ! ! !
The third graders have 2 field trips coming before the end of the year arrives that will both require a sack lunch! Please think about the following 2 trips and decide if you would like to order a school sack lunch or will be bringing your own lunch from home for both of these trips. In order to prepare the M’town Food Service we will need to turn this order in to them no later than March 31st! The Taylor Schoolhouse trip is scheduled for each third grade class by themselves. This trip will allow your child to dress as a student from the 1800’s and reenact life as a child attending school in a one room schoolhouse with one teacher for students in grades 1-6. Our Marshalltown Walking Tour will provide your child the opportunity to visit the Riverside Cemetery to do rubbing from the founding fathers they have studied in our history unit in the morning & then visit museums and businesses to learn additional information from some of the oldest places and businesses in our town!

*April 26th---3 Lenz to Taylor Schoolhouse
27th---3 Trickett to Taylor Schoolhouse
28th---3 Pollpeter to Taylor Schoolhouse

*May 27th—All 3rd graders to our Marshalltown Walking Tour

Check your choice for each date, return the slip to your child’s teacher, and cut along the line to save the top piece of this note for your records!

My child _________________________________ My child’s teacher:_________________________________
· April 26th(3L), 27th (3T), or 28th(3P); Taylor Schoolhouse
____sack lunch from home
____sack lunch from school
· May 27th(all) 3rd graders; M’town Walking Tour
____sack lunch from home
____sack lunch from school

Monday, March 7, 2011

Can You Name the 23 Bound Predicates?

Check out the Language lists under the upcoming events. This will have important lists for your students to know.
Keep on reading!

Third Graders Study Puffins!

In third grade we have been reading a story called Night of the Pufflings. Before reading this story, we did a lot of research to find out more about these birds, in order to build our background knowlege about this topic. We read a plethora of books from our media center. Be sure to ask a third grader to find out the answers to the following questions:

1.What do puffins eat?

2.Where do puffins live?

3.What do we call baby puffins?

4.What do puffins look like?

5.How do puffins raise their young?

6.What are the three main types of puffins?

7.What characteristics can you identify about the following birds:
*Atlantic Puffin
*Horned Puffin
*Tufted Puffin

8.How fast can puffins fly?