Fisher 3rd Grade: June 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

3rd Grade Comes to a Close

Wowie! What a year! Third grade came to a close at 3:21 on June 3rd. What a final day of learning we did have. We had an end of the year assembly with many attendance awards handed out. We then went to transition day to meet and chat with our 4th grade teachers. Next, we watched Ramona Quimby, Age 8 after reading the entire book as our final chapter book challenge to end the year. We quenched our thirst on a hot day at taste Freeze and completed our learning opportunities with a fluffball and capture the flag challenge with all 3 third grade classes! Be sure to have a super summer and follow these challenges for summer homeworkopoly to keep from getting out of routine: (IDEAS)

1.Read 15-30 minutes per day
2.Visit the Marshalltown Public Library
3.Practice multiplication & division facts 10-15 minutes daily
4.Keep a summer log  writing your experiences; keep a list of things you do
5.Practice Fisher Cat expectations
6.Stay cool & be safe